Enjoy your visit! Make yourself at home.
Fresh water is over there ~~~>
<~~~ Kibbles are over there,
and don't forget to put your pawprint in my guestbook before you leave!
A Wee
Bit About...

While my collection of pages will reveal more about me than this little profile, I'll include a tidbit or two here anyway.
It seems impolite not to introduce myself at the beginning. :-)I live at nosebleed altitude in Wyoming's beautiful Big Horn Mountains. Being part Italian and Scorpio Rising, at times I can exhibit a peppery "wild patience" (a term I once read in a poem and instantly related to). Luckily, I make an awesome marinara sauce, which redeems me. ;-)
I've been vegan since August 2000 and I love it, it's an important part of who I am and influences every choice I make.
I enjoy meeting new people (especially kindred spirits), exploring new places, and learning new things. I'm constantly reading a book (or two or three!). I love Nature and all critters, thrive in solitude, embrace simplicity, and value quality over quantity in everything. I enjoy learning new and better ways to live sustainably and lightly on the Earth, and someday hope to live in a cob cottage or Earthship off the grid. I love the change of seasons, good organic homebrew & wine, wildflowers, windchimes, long hikes, cottages, dragonflies, early mornings, bright colors and things that sparkle, Celtic and Pagan history, music by Loreena McKennitt, Jennifer Berezan and Gary Stadler (among many others!), and paintings by Josephine Wall.
I believe in spirit guides, trusting your intuition and following your heart...wherever it may lead!
"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen.
"When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day.
Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
- Lewis Carroll

Current and latest reads...
East Toward Dawn ~ Nan Watkins
Faith ~ Sharon Salzberg
Healing and the Mind ~ Bill Moyers
Neverwhere ~ Neil Gaiman
Sometimes the Magic Works ~ Beverly Kimball
The Snow Leopard ~ Peter Matthiessen
Wild Health ~ Cindy Engel
Your Heart's Desire ~ Sonia Choquette (one of my favorites, I revisit it often!)
now....let's go cruisin'!!!

Cruisin' for Sticks! (hehehe)
A few pics of me, in case you don't know what I look like and are just dying to know. ;-)
To see much cuter (not to mention furrier) faces, click here! :-)
This page invites you to "paws for a cause" by introducing you to organizations and causes
that are near and dear to me. You'll get to know me better (if you are so inclined!)
and find links to some great sites. And perhaps you'll find a cause here you'd like to support, too!
A collection of photos I've taken of some of my furry wild friends.
Photos of some feathered friends who visit my bird sanctuary.
A few of my photos of our beautiful hummingbird visitors.
My page of tributes to wildlife and the wilderness.
If you can't make it to the mountains or the desert or the forest
to fill up your spirit with the solitude and power of the wild, come here instead.
Enjoy a little "armchair trip" to Scotland...and check out my Scotland photo album too!
Enter the mystical realm of faeries and learn about their magical (and sometimes wicked!) ways
with a visit to my Faeries page!
A page devoted to my beautiful animal totem, the fox!
You may also enjoy a visit to Foxfire, a page of fox poetry.
My journey from omnivore to vegetarian to vegan...along with some interesting tidbits,
fun related links, recommended reading and other wholesome goodies.
Please also visit An Amazing Animal...it's bound to make you think!
If you carrot all, lettuce go there now! ;-)
Since I was 14, (and just never you mind how long ago that was!) I have enjoyed collecting
poetry, short stories, sayings, little pearls of wisdom.
I love to share, so please click on the banner to visit...
Looking for some nuggets of knowledge?

Then check out my page of

Some are moving, some are thoughtful, some are funny ~ all are favorites of mine...
and the gifs are fun too!
Another collection of inspiring quotes.
(The Chinese symbol for courage)
A sweet little lift from my favorite little song!
Perhaps you are wondering, with all my doggy devotion, if I have a favorite breed.
Yes....MUTTS! ;-) Ok, ok...there is one purebred that never fails to melt my heart.....
the collie.
Someday I may share my life with a purebred collie, but only when I find one up for adoption.
For I (com)passionately believe that until that happy day arrives when there are no homeless pets,
animal companions should be adopted from pounds, shelters or rescue organizations.
Tragically and inexcusably, more than 10 million animals of every conceivable type and breed
are abandoned, neglected or abused yearly in this country, and most die for lack of a loving home.
And so I urge you, if you are considering sharing your life and love with a furbaby, please, please, please...
"Adopt a stray....neuter and spay!"
Visit Petfinder.com to find the perfect adoptable companion animal for you at a shelter near you!
You can also visit the Animal Rescue Site and click daily
to donate one bowl of food to an animal in a shelter or sanctuary.
Your click is free, but your loving help is beyond value.....

Awww, don't make me beg...please sign one of my guest books!!
Either my Pawprints book...
Leave Your Pawprint!
View Other Pawprints!
or...my Dogbone book!
Sign it, Bonehead! ;-)
View it, Bonehead! ;-)
Trying to sniff out that perfect gif? (nyuck, nyuck)

Most of the gifs on my homepages came from the following gif and midi sites:
Cyberkittin's Gifs and Things
Draac's Gifs
Anne's Place Gifs & Backgrounds
Nevr2L8's Bars/Lines/Divider/Gifs
To see my awards, click on one of the "prizes" below!

Awards I * Awards II * Awards III
"Linus and Lucy"

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visitor number
No wonder I'm always running out of kibbles! ;-)
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